• 919-627-8244


Nostra ridiculus tellus maecenas eleifend at, conubia sollicitudin repudiandae sit, nostrud debitis dicta. Quasi praesent porttitor tellus

Pre-Listing Home Inspection for Sellers

Are you thinking of putting your home on the market? As much as you may love your home and think it’s perfect, the reality is there may be repair recommendations that turn up in the buyer’s home inspection report. If you knew about those issues in advance, you’d be prepared when a buyer asks for repairs.

You’d also have the freedom to do the repairs in advance at your own pace, without the deadline of the due diligence period. Or, you could disclose these known issues to interested buyers and adjust your asking price accordingly.

Either way, a pre-listing home inspection means you won’t be caught off guard during the negotiation process. And getting from contract to closing will be smoother!