Home Inspections in Central North Carolina
Serving the Triangle and Central North Carolina
Chapel Hill, Carrboro, Pittsboro, Durham, Cary, Apex, Raleigh, Sanford, Saxapahaw, Mebane and the rest of Central North Carolina.
Make your appointment online. Choose your day and that time slot will be reserved. I’ll follow up with the contract and invoice, all of which you can take care of in advance online.
Get the Home Truth
As a home inspector, I get to indulge my curiosity and background in construction, repair, small business management, and love of people.
Before becoming a home inspector, I owned and managed Pfeiffer’s Hardware in the Washington DC neighborhood of Mount Pleasant for seven years and was a scenic carpenter for six years before that.
I enjoy meeting people and inspecting houses and providing information that will help my clients make an informed decision.
I am licensed by North Carolina to perform home inspections to the Standards of Practice mandated by the North Carolina Home Inspector Licensure Board (NCHILB).
-Todd Pfeiffer, license #3564
Pricing and real-time Availability can be seen by scrolling to the bottom of this page.
Tip: To avoid losing a currently available inspection date, please make an appointment now (scroll to bottom of page) and communicate afterwards. You can always cancel the inspection.
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All home inspections turn up flaws, no matter how terrific the house or how diligent the homeowner. Small problems can stay small if addressed quickly. Bigger problems can be expensive. My job is to point out issues, small and large, so you can set a fair asking price, negotiate a better selling price, or feel comfortable that your home is functioning as it should.
For Radon services, see below.
Here are the inspection services I offer:
Radon is a naturally occurring gas that is present in all homes. You cannot see, smell or taste it, but radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States, next to cigarette smoking - causing 21,000 deaths each year. Every home should be tested for radon to determine the risks to your family's health. I use only certified professionals to test for radon.
You can add a radon test when scheduling your home inspection or schedule a stand-alone test.
The EPA, the Surgeon General, and the American Lung Association recommend that every home be tested for radon. The test takes 48 hours of monitoring and results are delivered the following business day.
If your testing reveals elevated levels of radon, repair will be necessary. You can obtain a quote for the best repair method for your particular situation from many radon remediation services in the Triangle.
EPA’s Citizens’ Guide To Radon
EPA’s Website on Radon
NC Department of Health and Human Services Radon Information Website
It's important to know what a home inspection is, and what it's not.
Think of home inspectors like your family doctor. I can tell you when there’s a problem, but I’ll refer you to a specialist for a more thorough evaluation and solution.
If I identify a defect in your furnace or air conditioner, I will refer you to a certified HVAC contractor for a closer look and estimate. I also refer issues to general contractors, plumbers, electricians, engineers, mold and asbestos specialists, lead abatements specialists, termite and pest control professionals and others.
Evaluate home systems and components to determine if any system or component does not function as intended, warrants further investigation by a specialist, poses a safety concern, or adversely affects the habitability of the dwelling.
Report the defects I see. I am required to do so by the state of North Carolina, regardless of any input from clients, contractors, or real estate professionals.
Advise on the length of service of any appliance or roof, although I can tell you the year of manufacture and give you a general idea of life expectancies.
Advise on the market value or asking price of a property.
Inspect things I cannot see due to wallcoverings, rugs, furniture, or other obstacles.
You can read more detail of what I can and cannot do in my contract.
Defects are items that do not function as intended, allowing for normal wear and tear. Here are some issues I've found in homes I've inspected.
A Home Inspection is an investment in knowledge - knowledge of additional expenses involved in buying, selling or maintaining a home. I haven’t inspected a home yet that didn’t turn up repairs that would prevent much more expensive repairs down the road.
My rates are based on three criteria that affect the time I will spend and the hazards involved: square footage, age, and whether or not the home has a crawlspace.
See price calculator below for my home inspections.
See when I'm available up front, and only then enter the details.
For pricing, use the calculator on the right.
Todd Pfeiffer
Straight Arrow Home Inspection, LLC
11312 US 15 501 N # 107-101
Chapel Hill, NC 27517